Watch a movie alone yesterday!!! Was contemplating between 2 shows but somehow I choose the blind side.
Read the summary but it did not really say anything about Christianity but what made me wanted to watch the movie was it says that it's a real life show!!! So why not huh??
I guess is one of a movie that got me thinking a lot. Many a times we call ourselves Christian yet do we actually follow a Christian way of living. Sometimes we just use you so conveniently as a title or whatever you may call.
This movie has Christian elements. Basically there is this black obese boy/man without education or more so he couldn't be bothered about studying. He has a messed up life. So there is this man wanting to register his son and so at the same time he pull string and ask whether the school would accept the other boy as his GPA is only 0.2 or something like that.....but is really bad. That man met with a football coach and asked him to help - which he did.
While in conversation with other teachers and principal - because they did not want to accept him - the coach say that isn't this a Christian school. And made them think again
So they accepted the boy called Michael. The first day he entered school everyone looked down on him and he even had to leave the home he stays and he does wondering around. Somehow there is this Christian family and the lady pitted him and brought him in. She showed him love and took care of him like a son.
She never once looked down on him but continue to help him in every way. He felt very much at home!!!
This show reflects how much God's love towards us and it never changes!!!! It remain the same be it to the poor rich. He loves all and never depise his children and always welcome them back and love them.
A thought to think is that, we should once again not be so comfortable in our places and reach out to people that are different form us. We should not show favoritism!!! Let's walk the TALK (Try A Little Kindness). =)